Google Calendar and Apps Script to Automate Google Meet Scheduling

April 24, 2022 Twinkle Kapoor How To

If you have been looking for ways to automate your Google Meet schedule, then this is the guide for you! We have provided a detailed walkthrough of how you can use Google Calendar API to automate your Google Meet schedule.

There are some official guides from Google that show how to link a Google Meet event to the Google Calendar but nothing from the perspective of Apps Scripts specifically was ever put up, so we have tried bridging that gap with this guide that will help you to automate Google Meet schedule. This Apps Script sample shows how you can programmatically schedule video meetings within Google Meet with one or more participants using the Google Calendar API.

How you can programmatically schedule video meetings within Google Meet?

We have tried bridging that gap with this guide that will help you to automate your Google Meet schedule. This Apps Script sample shows how you can programmatically schedule video meetings within Google Meet with one or more participants using the Google Calendar API.

The script creates a calendar event in your primary calendar and adds at least one other participant (if provided) as an attendee of the event. It also generates a link for the meeting using Google Meet, which it then inserts into the event’s description.

The first time you run the script, it displays an authorization dialog that looks like this:

Figure 1: The authorization dialog

Click Review Permissions to see the list of permissions requested by the sample:

Figure 2: The permissions dialog

Click Accept to continue. The script uses two scopes to get access to your calendar data and create a meeting: – Allows read/write access to the user’s primary calendar through the primary calendar alias. If necessary, this scope can be restricted to specific calendars by calling setPrimary() on a Calendar object and specifying which calendar is primary.

Know about the post:

Make Google Meet part of your organization’s workflow with a simple script.

Google Meet provides video meeting solutions that allow organizations of all sizes and industries to connect with employees, customers, students, or patients from anywhere – no matter the device or location. For example, you can use Google Meet to connect with your colleagues during an off-site meeting or bring your entire team together from all over the world for a company-wide meeting.

The Meet API allows you to easily schedule meetings within your organization and with external customers. Now you can use Google Apps Script to programmatically create a video meeting in Google Meet with one or more participants. You could also add this script as a menu item to edit existing meetings or even send invitations to external guests.

To set up your Google Meet, give your meeting a title, start date, meeting duration, attendee list, and how often you want to be reminded of the next Google meeting. A new meeting event will be added to your Google Calendar and you will also be provided with a Google Meet link that you will share with your students and colleagues via mail merge.

const createGoogleMeeting = () => {
// The default calendar where this meeting should be created
const calendarId = “primary”;

// Schedule a meeting for May 30, 2021 at 1:45 PM
// January = 0, February = 1, March = 2, and so on
const eventStartDate = new Date(2021, 4, 30, 13, 45);

// Set the meeting duration to 45 minutes
const eventEndDate = new Date(eventStartDate.getTime());
eventEndDate.setMinutes(eventEndDate.getMinutes() + 45);

const getEventDate = (eventDate) => {
// Dates are computed as per the script’s default timezone
const timeZone = Session.getScriptTimeZone();

// Format the datetime in full-date T full-time format
return {
dateTime: Utilities.formatDate(


// Email addresses and names (optional) of meeting attendees
const meetingAttendees = [


displayName: “Amit Agarwal”,
email: “”,
responseStatus: “accepted”,


{ email: “”, responseStatus: “needsAction” },
{ email: “”, responseStatus: “needsAction” },

displayName: "Angus McDonald",
email: "",
responseStatus: "tentative",

// Generate a random id
  const meetingRequestId = Utilities.getUuid();

// Send an email reminder a day prior to the meeting and also
// browser notifications15 minutes before the event start time
const meetingReminders = [

method: “email”,
minutes: 24 * 60,
method: “popup”,
minutes: 15,

const { hangoutLink, htmlLink } = Calendar.Events.insert(
summary: “Maths 101: Trigonometry Lecture”,
description: “Analyzing the graphs of Trigonometric Functions”,
location: “10 Hanover Square, NY 10005”,
attendees: meetingAttendees,
conferenceData: {
createRequest: {
requestId: meetingRequestId,
conferenceSolutionKey: {
type: “hangoutsMeet”,
start: getEventDate(eventStartDate),
end: getEventDate(eventEndDate),
guestsCanInviteOthers: false,
guestsCanModify: false,
status: “confirmed”,
reminders: {
useDefault: false,
overrides: meetingReminders,

calendarId, { conferenceDataVersion: 1 }
Logger.log(“Launch meeting in Google Meet: %s”, hangoutLink);
Logger.log(“Open event inside Google Calendar: %s”, htmlLink);

Scheduling Google Meetings on a Regular Basis-

The above code can be extended to create meetings that run on a recurring schedule.

To specify the recurring event in the RRULE notation, you just need to add a recurrence attribute to the meeting event resource. For example, the following rule will schedule a recurring video meeting for your math lecture every week on Monday and Thursday 8 times.


Here are some other useful RRULE examples:

  • FREQ=WEEKLY;BYDAY=MO,TU,WE,TH,FR – Occurs every week excluding weekends
  • FREQ=MONTHLY;INTERVAL=2;BYDAY=TU – Comes about every Tuesday, every other month
  • INTERVAL=2;FREQ=WEEKLY – Occurs every other week
  • FREQ=WEEKLY;INTERVAL=2;BYDAY=TU,TH;BYMONTH=12 – Occurs every two weeks in December on Tuesdays and Thursdays
  • FREQ=MONTHLY;INTERVAL=2;BYDAY=1SU,-1SU – Occurs every two months on the first and last Sunday of the month

Wrapping up

Google Meet has been a hit with students and teachers who are forced to work remotely due to the pandemic, and now it’s become a great way for co-workers in the same office to stay safe.

But you may be wondering how you can keep everything straight: How do you schedule meetings? How can people find those meetings? We’re going to show you a few different ways you can use Google Meet. There’s the easy way: Just go to, click “Join or start a meeting,” and off you go! But if you want to automate your Google Meet scheduling, above is how you do that! We hope that this article will walk you through the process of automating your Google Meet calendar.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):-

What is the best way to integrate Google Calendar AFF with Google Meet?

By using Calendar API and the Google Apps Script Sample Google Sheet, create Calendar Events using Google Meet connections.

1. The Google Calendar API should be included.
2. Create a script for automation.
3. Examine the output.
4. Summary.

How can I schedule a Google Meet automatically?

Open Google Calendar on your computer and go to Settings. Under “Event Settings” on the left. Toggle the switch on or off. Add Google Meet video conferencing to events I create automatically.

Is Google Meet supported by an API?

For the time being, there is no direct API for Google Meet, but I’ve written an npm package that uses the google calendar API to create meetings directly and provides you the Google meeting URLs quickly.

How do I make a Google Calendar API event?

Call the events. insert() function with at least these parameters to establish an event: calendarId is the calendar identifier and could be either the email address of the calendar from which the event will be created or the special term ‘primary’, which will utilize the logged-in user’s primary calendar.

Is the Google Calendar API available for free?

Is the Google Calendar API available for free? Yes, you may use the Google Calendar API for free.

How do I add appointments to Google Calendar automatically?

To obtain events from Gmail, you’ll need to do the following:

1. Turn on Smart features and personalization in Gmail’s settings. Learn how to enable Gmail’s Smart features and personalization.
2. Go to Events from Gmail in Google Calendar options, and tick the item next to Show events generated by Gmail in my calendar.

Is it possible to set Google Meetings to automatically record?

Select Meet video settings from the menu. Leave the top organizational unit selected to apply the setting to everyone. Otherwise, choose a configuration group or a child organizational unit. Check or uncheck the Allow people to record their meetings option under Recording.

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