This article will show you how you can apply for and activate Today Mastercard with utmost ease. We all have had a slip in repayments when it comes to credit cards, so what we then long for is a card that would help us get our credit history back on track. One such low-key utilitarian card that hasn’t made much noise in the market that we will concern ourselves with is none other than Today Mastercard credit card. As a course of ritual we will first do a short review of the card so that before applying for and activating it, you will have a gauge of the waters you will be sinking yourself into.
Today Master Card is issued by Capital Community Bank, which is essentially a Utah-based chartered bank. The card if I were to put it in a phrase is ‘ an unsecured credit card for bad credit. The card offers all the features that its nemesis would offer like customized controls, Mastercard coverage, flexibility in paying methods, monitoring your credit score, etc, but what is astonishing about the card is probably its high charges including an APR which is the highest in the market and an annual fee of $120 billed as $10 per month.
A quick review of the Today Mastercard
High APR
Perhaps one of the key features, when consumers look in a credit card, is its APR because that would eventually suggest how much interest rate you will pay if the balance were left to be accumulated. In this regard, Today Mastercard has an APR of 30%, which is one of the highest available on a credit card.
Annual fees
The annual fee in a credit serves to make the credit card accessible to diverse and broader credit profiles as a risk-militating measure that is often hinged with people attempting to rebuild their credit score. The annual fee stands at $120, billed as $10 per month. These fees, if seen in the grand scheme of other credit cards, would not come out at the top. It is still high but not the highest.
However, amidst the downsides, there are other upticks as well. For instance, the card offers a credit limit increase as well. To encapsulate the virtues of the card, it will be enough to say that if you make responsible use of the card and don’t let the balances accumulate then it may come in handy to you, not to mention if you can afford the $10 monthly fee.
Also Read: Apply For Avantcard Mastercard
Application for the Today Mastercard is very simple. Follow the below steps to apply for the card:
Usually, the approval process lasts for a minute or something and if yours is the case where you are not approved, there may have been a case of missing additional information which may increase the total number of days in getting approved.
If you want to keep a track of the status of your application then you can always call on their toll-free number 1-833-204-2600.
After you have received your new Today Mastercard, the time has finally come for the activation process, without which your card won’t have any potency. The annual fee in case you don’t activate your card will still be deducted owing to the fact that your account is open. This is a more generic financial concept that can be applied to almost all the credit cards out there.
So, let’s come back to how you can activate your Today Mastercard
You can also activate your Today Mastercard via phone
You just have to dial the Today Mastercard’s number 1-866-764-7124, where you will be asked for your card details and a few other relevant information. Upon verification, your card will be activated instantaneously.
Also Read: Activate Williams-Sonoma Capital One Credit Card
Today Mastercard credit card maybe not be consummate of a credit card, but the activation process is as simple as it can be. You just have to make sure that you have an active internet connection or else you may have to re-enter the same information more than one time. We would like to end the article by poising a maxim that ‘credit card if the thought of as a debit card will never put you into any predicament’.
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